NDIS Provider in Beveridge VIC

We know that finding the best NDIS support can be daunting. But we make it easier by offering personalized NDIS services. Our local team is specifically designed around you to make living independently easy, compassionate, and inclusive.
NDIS Provider in Beveridge VIC

Professional NDIS Assistance

At DMA Caring Hand, we do understand the unique needs as per individual requirements in Beveriԁge аnԁ its surrounԁing аreаs. We рroviԁe рrofessionаl аnԁ сomраssionаte NDIS suррort serviсes. We hаve а teаm of exрerienсeԁ аnԁ quаlifieԁ suррort workers who аre keen on emрowering you or your loveԁ one to live life to the best of their аbility, inԁeрenԁently, аnԁ with ԁignity. We offer:

What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

The NDIS, established as a government initiative in Australia, helps individuals experiencing permanent and severe disabilities. A fundamental goal of the NDIS is to give participants more choice and control over the support services they access, empowering them to live more independent, self-directed lives aligned with their personal goals and aspirations.
Previously, disability services across Australia were managed through separate state and territory-based systems, resulting in inconsistencies in the provision of support and funding. Each state and territory government had its own policies, programs, and mechanisms for delivering and resourcing disability assistance within its jurisdiction.
The NDIS has replaced this fragmented approach with a unified national framework. It aims to establish consistent standards and processes for accessing disability services and funding across the entire country, rather than having divergent systems operating in each state and territory.

Key characteristics of the NDIS include-

The NDIS is а government-funded program in Australia that supports those with permanent аnԁ signifiсаnt ԁisаbilities. The NDIS рroviԁes раrtiсiраnts more сontrol over the suррorts so they саn live аn orԁinаry life аnԁ асhieve their goаls.

Tailored Disability Support Services in Beveridge

We offer a wide variety of customised disability support services based on your individual needs. Our highly experienced workers are capable of supporting you in virtually any category of your life, be it daily living, personal care, community access, or even specialised therapies.
The services are offered in these areas, include-
We work directly with you and your family to lay out a well-thought-out plan that aligns with your goals, needs, and preferences. We work with you to make sure that the plan is designed to match your particular circumstances and changing needs.
NDIS Provider in Beveridge VIC

Your Reliable NDIS Partner

At DMA Caring Hand, we take pride in being the most trusted and dependable NDIS partner for NDIS participants and their families in Beveridge. The core values are quality, professionalism, and compassion.
Why choose DMA Caring Hand as your partner in NDIS?
In-person meeting

Deep focus on building trust with our participants by creating an atmosphere of comfort and safety in the relationship

Caregiver Selection

Support which you can rely and count on and use lesser time worrying

Service agreement

We are flexible and responsive to your changing needs. We evolve our services as per situation

Initial phone discussion

Communication transparency, with regular updates, keeping you in the loop every step of the way

It’s about living your best life while being taken care of, whereby your support needs are all met to ensure the quality care and support that you deserve. It is our commitment to excellence and your best being at the core of all we do.
Join the DMA Caring Hand and experience the difference caring and professional support can make in your life, or that of your loved one, TODAY.
Registered NDIS Provider Melbourne

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll get numerous benefits like:
The NDIS is a funding scheme whereby eligible people with disabilities obtain funds via an individualised plan. The main steps include:
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