NDIS Provider in Brunswick VIC

Start your NDIS journey by maximising your growth and well-being with us as your NDIS provider in Brunswick, VIC.
NDIS Provider in Beveridge VIC

Professional NDIS Assistance in Brunswick

Are you about to start your NDIS journey and are looking for an NDIS provider in Brunswick, VIC, who can assist you with the same? If yes, then it is time for you to connect with our team at DMA Caring Hand. We are a team of support workers dedicated to empowering NDIS participants. NDIS can ensure the growth of the participants and maximise their well-being, but you will need the right support and guidance. If you are looking for a team that can help you on this front, we are at your service. We are your local NDIS registered provider and a team you can trust with your NDIS journey.
With years of experience catering to the diverse needs of NDIS participants and an in-depth knowledge of the NDIS, we are fully qualified and equipped to secure a satisfactory and growth-oriented NDIS experience for you. So, connect with us and make way for an empowering NDIS journey while promoting your independence and maximising your well-being.

What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

NDIS, or the National Disability Insurance Scheme, is a support scheme run by the Australian government and managed by the NDIA to help people with disabilities lead an independentand growth-oriented life. NDIS allocates funds to the participants based on their support needs and goals and using the funds, they can avail of diverse disability services in Brunswick or other suburbs.

The NDIS funds services across three support categories–

Depending on your support requirements you can choose to avail of any of the available services and make way for an empowering NDIS journey. If your NDIS plan has already been approved, it is time for you to connect with an NDIS provider in Brunswick, VIC, like our team at DMA Caring Hand and get started with your journey.

Tailored Disability Support Services in Brunswick

As a trusted NDIS provider in Brunswick, VIC, we follow a comprehensive approach and deliver services that cover all aspects of your life. At DMA Caring Hand, we offer diverse disability services in Brunswick, including –
All our disability services will be tailored to meet your unique needs. When you connect with us, we will sit down with you to understand your needs and preferences and offer tailored NDIS assistance. With us, you will exercise choice and control and determine the level of support delivered. With us, you can avail as much or as little support as you require and be in control of your NDIS funds and plan at all times. We will put our best foot forward to help you lead an independent life.
NDIS Provider in Beveridge VIC

Your Reliable NDIS Partner

We work with the values of –
These values govern our actions and service delivery. For us, disability care is a cause we are passionate about. Through the collective efforts of our support team we wish to build an environment where the participants could live independently and chase their dreams without being limited by any prejudices and inhibitions. We aim to be the support system that the participants can count on every time. Through our Brunswick NDIS services, we target both the immediate well-being and long-term growth of the participants.
Our team works with the utmost compassion and empathy and makes the participants feel seen and heard. We care, and we listen – we constantly innovate our disability services to meet the changing needs of the participants. We remain receptive to participant’s feedback and improve our service delivery. You can always voice your concerns, needs and expectations with us and our team will be sure to cater to them.
To know more about our NDIS services in Brunswick or to choose us as your local NDIS registered provider, get in touch with us at 0466 886 586 or dmacaringhand@gmail.com.
Registered NDIS Provider Melbourne

Frequently Asked Questions

To apply for the NDIS –
To be eligible for the scheme –
Your NDIS plan will be reviewed annually, but if the need arises, you can contact the NDIA for a review meeting anytime during your NDIS journey. If your support needs have significantly changed and your NDIS plan no longer meets your requirements, you can inform the NDIA about the same and we will do the needful.
If the NDIA doesn’t approve your eligibility for the scheme, you can –
If, after all this, your plan is still not approved, we recommend that you look for other available disability support options.
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